Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Family Pictures taken in August 2012


Halloween 2012

 Zoë was excited to make Halloween pancakes!

 Snow White!
 And a dwarf!  Liam started off as Happy, but was also Sneezy (he's got a pretty bad cold), Grumpy, and Sleepy.  He was also Dopey, but that's just because he wouldn't keep his beard on :)

 A pretty unsuccessful attempt at getting a picture of me with my kids - oh well!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Post "Bikecar" Stunt Session

 Zoë is once again really into watching Bikecar.  Bikecar is a documentary created by my 2 older brothers, Joey and Louie.  They made a bike car and then filmed 3 professional snowboarders (one of which was my brother Louie) traveling from mountain to mountain to snowboard). If you want to know more, check out  After watching it one day, Zoë decided to head out for a trike/bike/scooter session.  These were some of the moves she pulled out (I think she was inspired by the segment in the movie with Louie and Travis on the snow bikes).  So awesome!

Liam wanted in on the action too!

Birthday Girl!

 Look at our beautiful 3 year old!  We had a wonderful birthday weekend with a quick trip to Boise for a party with friends and family.  Zoë was SO excited about this birthday!  We had a party at Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Pat's house with all 6  Boise Bronner cousins (and their parents) and 3 of Zoë's closest Boise friends.  As usual, it was hard to capture all of the great moments, but here are a few pictures.

 Grandma Kathy made Zoë a great Mickey Mouse cake!  

Zoë getting a birthday hug from her buddy Jolie!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Our move to Richland, Washington

We are now in our new home in Richland, WA!  The move itself was horrendous (lots of damage to our furniture which it does not seem will be covered by the moving company as the owner has vanished), but now that we're here we're really loving our new home. 

Zoë and Liam are both adjusting well although Zoë often asks to go back to her old home and brings up her Boise friends daily.  We're doing our best to make some connections quickly so she can have some friends to look forward to playing with here.

One of the best things about our new location is that we're just 2 1/2 hours from Moscow!!!  It's so great to be close to my family see them so much more often!

Aaron's job is off to a great start!  He's been doing some training at different facilities, so has been out of town a little, but he got to fly in the company jet on his first trip and sat in the cockpit with the pilot!  

 Zoë showing Papa Pat her new hot tub!

 Zoë "helping" Aaron put up some shelves.

 Zoë and Liam making sure the guest bed is comfy (we're ready for visitors!)

Zoë's favorite thing about our new house - the pool!  She has become quite the little fish and can swim short distances on her own!

Liam Turns 1!

Our little man is a year old!  Some of his favorites things are dancing, stomping, getting tickled, and "talking."  He loves to interact with Zoë and tries to do everything she does.  Because of this, he is quite a little climber and often has bruises on his forehead!
1 Year stats:
Height = 30 1/2 inches (56th percentile)
Weight = 24.8 pounds (66th percentile)
Head size = 82nd percentile

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Boise Friends

 One of the hardest things about our move to Richland, WA is moving away from so many great friends.  I really am sad that Zoë won't see her best friends as often, but we will still be back for lots of visits. 
Here are some shots of Zoë and Jolie who are always so cute together!

Liam with his buddy Luke and Jack in the background
Zoë and Avery taking a snack break at the zoo
 Zeke, Zoë, and the Zebras
 We will miss you too Mrs. Lion

Livin' The Good Life at The Bronner's

Aaron's parents have been so gracious in letting us live with them for the last 6 weeks while we were between houses.  We have been spoiled by their company, their cooking, and their pool!  Here are some pictures of us enjoying our time in their home.
Zoë and Liam snuggling up for morning cartoons.
 Making cookies with GrandPat!


Liam's reaction when we told him we were going to be leaving.  Poor kid!